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  • What to do if children are displaying symptoms of Coronavirus (Covid-19)

    Fri 11 Sep 2020

    The start back to any school year always leads to a range of colds and runny noses.


    This year, Covid-19 is obviously making this a far more difficult and worrying time for parents and carers. We have been contacted by families not sure what to do if their child become unwell;so below is a quick guide if you child is ill or becomes symptomatic at school.


    DfE guidance for possible Covid-19 infections

    'If anyone in your school becomes unwell with a new, continuous cough or a high temperature, or has a loss of, or change in, their normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia), they must be sent home and be advised to follow the guidance for households with possible or confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) infection.


    This sets out that they must:

    • self-isolate for at least 10 days

    • arrange to have a test to see if they have coronavirus (COVID-19)


    We will 'call parents/legal guardian to collect pupil and take them home'. (This will also mean any other siblings in school). 


    Advise them that all household members will need to isolate and refer them to the guidance for households with possible or confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) infection.'


    If the test result is negative, then as soon as your child is well enough, they can come back into school. We would request that any information of positive test results be confidentially shared with the school as we need to monitor possible outbreaks in year group bubbles. 


    Thank you for your co-operation



  • Drop offs and collections@ Oakham

    Fri 11 Sep 2020

    The routines for dropping off and collection children are now running smoothly and thank you to everyone for following the guidance.


    Our routes have been planned to make the school site flow as effectively as possible but these only work with everyone's co-operation - so thank you, and please, keep doing it!!


    The local roads are obviously more busy at drop-off and pick up times so please take care with the additional traffic and where cars are being parked. 


    Please be considerate of our local neighbours and their properties - this is a difficult time for all families and households and your support for the community makes things better for everyone.


    Your children have been amazing again this week and we are all very proud of them!


    Have a great weekend. 

  • Covid-19 information for Parents & Carers

    Tue 08 Sep 2020

    Please follow this link to access up to date NHS  information about Coronavirus symptoms and accessing testing:


  • School reopens to all year groups tomorrow!

    Wed 02 Sep 2020

    The school has been thoroughly cleaned and scrubbed, all of the pencils have been sharpened and the liquid soap bottles have been topped up...all we need now are lots of eager learners back in school!!


    Please ensure you have read through the guidance and map to help plan your route around the school site. Doors open from 8:40am.


    All access to the school for drop-offs and collection is via the Darbys Hill entrance only - there is NO access via West Avenue.


    We look forward to seeing you all in the morning!
