A massive well done to Class 6 and Class 12 who have won Spring 1's best attendance with a very impressive 95.4% (C6) and 96.9% (C12)
It was a hard fought contest with the winners changing several times during the last week and the difference between first and second place in KS2 was only 0.2%
1st - Class 12 96.9%
2nd - Class 10 96.7%
3rd - Class 13 96.3%
1st - Class 6 95.4%
2nd - Class 4 95%
3rd Class 7 - 92.6%
Classes 6 and 12 will have a non uniform day on Friday 10th March as their reward.
The competition starts again, who will win best attendance for Spring 2?
"Every day and every person counts"