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Medicines & Inhalers

Medication is administered by Oakham staff as a goodwill gesture.


  • Only medication prescribed by a doctor will be dispensed in school. (Prescribed paracetamol will be administered with antibiotics).


  •  All liquid medication/tablets will be administered, in the first instance, by the Deputy Headteacher but in their absence, another member of the School Senior Leadership Team will administer the medication.


  •  A Parent/Carer must complete and sign a ‘Request to Administer Medication form’ at the school office. Forms will be retained for the duration of the course of medication and record sheet will be updated daily.


  •  All medication in school will be kept as directed in either the grey medical box in the School Office or refrigerator in the Resources room.


  •  Key Stage 1 pupils with inhalers will visit the school office to use puffers/spacers. Key Stage 2 pupils are responsible for their own inhalers and should be kept in classrooms in a designated storage box.


  • Medication will be brought to pupil’s classrooms at Noon (or as soon as possible to this time) and administered with another member of staff present.


  • We will not be able to facilitate administering of medication at other or additional times during the school day. An adult family member is more than welcome to visit school to do this, if preferred. 


  • The Deputy Headteacher/other member of Senior Leadership Team and an additional member of staff will verify pupil identity and medication to be administered.


  •  Both members of staff will date and sign each individual pupil’s ‘Request to Administer Medication’ form and return to the school office.


  • Parents/Carers are responsible for collecting medication from the school reception office at 3.30pm and disposal of leftover medication at the end of the prescribed course.

Request to administer medication in school form

Department of Health: Guidance on Emergency Use of Inhalers

Sandwell All Age Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Directory April 2024
