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This page aims to share information about Oakham's approach to safeguarding, along with information on how to promote safety for all of our learners in their activities linked to learning inside and outside of school.


Oakham Primary School - Safeguarding Team 2023-24

Information from Sandwell Council about what to do if you think a child is at risk is available by clicking here.


If you think a child is in immediate danger, then you should contact the police on 999 or Sandwell Council Children's Trust on 0121 569 3100


If children are unhappy they can speak to Childline on 0800 1111 or NSPCC Helpline on 0808 800 5000

Who can I talk to if I'm worried?

You can talk to any adult at Oakham that you feel comfortable with - they are all ready to listen and do their best to help. 


Don't forget that worry boxes are available in your classroom if you are nervous or worried about talking directly to an adult.


Just write down your worries and pop your name on it. Boxes are checked every day so a trusted adult will be able to help. 


Every classroom has copies of 'Emotion Cards' to help you share a worry with a trusted adult. Just pick the card, pass it onto the adult and they'll listen to you. 


Would an Oakham Wellbeing Champion help me?

Our amazing Wellbeing Champions are available on our playground - look put for their snazzy blue vests! They have been trained to help other children and would help you to speak to an adult :)


What about if I'm nervous about telling an Oakham member of staff or I'm not in school?

Don't worry! There are different ways of asking for help. The organisations below are all there for you...



The NSPCC promotes ‘The Underwear Rule’ Campaign which aims to raise awareness of the importance of talking to children about keeping safe from sexual abuse.


We are supporting the NSPCC in their campaign and feel it is important to teach our children how to keep safe.

‘The Underwear Rule’ teaches them that:
• their body belongs to them
• they have a right to say no, and
• they should always tell an adult if they’re upset or worried.

At the bottom of this section there is a really useful link to the NSPCC 'Let's Talk Pants' webpage where you can find additional information, a range of parent guides and even a video to learn the 'Pantosaurus' song...


This guide for Parents and Carers is to help you feel confident when talking to your children about staying safe. It also explains ‘The Underwear Rule’ in detail. We know talking to your child about their body and staying safe can seem difficult, but it doesn’t have to be scary.


‘Talk PANTS’ is a simple way that parents can help keep children safe from abuse.

As part of our PSHE curriculum, we learn about 'The Underwear Rule' in special phase assemblies and follow up sessions in class. 

You can support your child's awareness of this by sharing the guide and start having age appropriate conversations with your child or children so that they become aware of ‘The Underwear Rule’.

If your child says anything that worries you there is advice in the booklet. You can also talk to one of our safeguarding team at school or you can call the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000 for further advice and support.


Click Here to 'Talk Pants' with the NSPCC 



What is Prevent & Channel? 


The early intervention support provided by Prevent addresses the personal and social factors which make people more receptive to radicalisation, diverting people away from being drawn into violent ideologies and criminal behaviour.


If the referral progresses and it is assessed that there is a genuine risk of radicalisation, the case is considered by a multi-agency ‘Channel Panel’ of safeguarding professionals who collectively assess the risk to a person and decide on a tailored package of support that can be offered to the person to help them move away from harmful activity.


Please CLICK HERE to access a really useful and straight forward fact-sheet on PREVENT & CHANNEL. 

Keeping Children Safe Online - Preventing Radicalisation

E-Safety @ Oakham 

We have a separate area of this website dedicated to help keeping our children and families safe online..






Staying Safe Online - West Midlands Police Information Sheet
