'Cultural Capital is the essential knowledge that children need to prepare them for their future success'.
At Oakham, we are committed to developing children's wider development to compliment their academic progress and success. Children are given a wide range of experiences and opportunities to further enrich their time at Oakham Primary School.
Our curriculum is designed to instill high aspirations in all of our children and to encourage them to become resilient, life-long learners who embrace challenges and aspire to become well-rounded, conscientious global citizens.
Trips, Visits, Tournaments & Residentials
Children in all year groups participate in a wide range of off-site visits across each academic year. These visits are designed to support wider curriculum learning; stimulating their curiosity and encourage children to make links and connections with previous learning.
Our long established residential visits are open to pupils in Key Stages One and Two - these overnight visits encourage greater independence, develop personal resilience and broaden children's horizons.
Children throughout the school are given opportunities to participate in sports tournaments, celebrations and competitions; both in and out of school. We believe that children should be given their chance to shine out of the classroom too and healthy competition and sportsmanship is an ideal vehicle to support children's development too.
'The Arts'
Theatre trips and visiting performers offer many of our children with their first experiences of live drama to inspire them in their own performances for peers and families:
All children in Year Three participate in weekly Ukulele lessons with a peripatetic teacher, culminating in a collective performance in our Spring Music Celebration alongside the KS2 choir.
In addition to this, our KS1 choir performs at Christmas as part of the school festive celebrations and visit our local nursing home too.
Our KS2 Choir will also be participating again in 'Young Voices 2024' at the Genting Arena.
We are very lucky to be within walking distance to our local library. Children are able to visit and create their own account and enjoy the resources available to them and their families.
Children are also encouraged to participate in the regular holiday sessions and reading challenges run at Oakham Library to foster a love of reading and value this community resource.
Community Celebrations and Festivals
Throughout the academic year, children learn about and celebrate key festivals and significant events from a wide range of religions and cultures (Oakham Overview).
Our RE focus weeks are planned to celebrate significant religious events and festivals from the faiths of Sikhism, Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Hinduism.
Every Autumn, we participate in Black History Month and celebrate the lives of significant figures, both historic and contemporary.
We are proud of our local history and we celebrate 'Black Country Day' in July as well as other significant days such as:
Olympic & Common Wealth Games
National occasions & Royal events
Remembrance - Royal British Legion
National Autism, Cystic Fibrosis & Down Syndrome Awareness Days
Trying Something New..
Children in Years 4 to Six participate in weekly French lessons (MFL). They are taught by their class teacher and follow the 'Kapow French' scheme of work.
Throughout our wider curriculum, our children are encouraged to participate in a wide range of experiences, these include:
Inspiring Visitors
We engage with partner groups, organisations and individuals to educate and inspire our children. Recent visitors to our school have included :