The registration system is now live and can be accessed via the link below.
The phased return is open to:
You MUST complete a separate form for each child who is eligible to attend from June 1st 2020 (this also includes all Key/Critical Worker families).
Please note:
All children will be in their own year group bubbles; Key/Critical worker children will be in a separate bubble to Non Key/Critical Worker children in the same year group.
Children from the same family will be in school on the same day but be in a different year group bubble.
These measures are in place to reduce contact between larger groups of children.
The closing date for our initial registration is 9am Tuesday 26th May.
From June 1st 2020, eligible families who wish to register will need to give a weeks notice to be allocated a place in school. (Sandwell LEA GUidance, May 2020)