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GM2LF Christmas POSTER Competition

The GM2LF Big Local Partnership is once again inviting all schools in the area to take part in our Christmas Poster Design Competition 2024.


The competition is open to all school children and as usual is split into two categories children aged 3 – 6 and children aged 7 – 11.


The two overall winning entry designs will be used as designs to create Christmas e-cards and goodies will be printed and given to the winning entries.


In addition, the children will each win £5 and the two overall winners will also win £50 each for their school.



  • To design a Christmas poster, on an A4 portrait sheet of paper
  • Designs can be in any format, paint, crayon, felt tip, etc  The brighter and jollier the better!
  • Each school chooses the 3 best entries for the two age categories, thus 6 in total.
  • The GM2LF Charity will organise the final judging of all entries from all schools.
  • Entries into school by Wednesday 27th November with name and age on the back please.