Dear Parents & Carers,
It's highly likely that you will have been closely watching the news from Ukraine over the last week or so. There is no doubt that it is a worrying situation, and it has been awful to watch the impact on families and children in particular.
Many of you will also have been thinking about how to talk with your children about the news from Ukraine and address any questions they may have in an age-appropriate manner.
Dealing with such worrying news stories can of course be a difficult task and as more children are now exposed to social media and news feeds, it's likely that they will have an awareness of these situations or see inaccurate information and opinions.
BBC Newsround and the 'Place2Be' mental health charity have produced some useful information for parents and children about talking about worrying news or incidents.
You may wish to refer to these if you are asked any questions around the current news events. (Links to both webpages are below).
In school, we haven't directly addressed or discussed the current situation in class or assemblies. However, staff are regularly checking our 'Worry Boxes' and are available to address any issues or concerns appropriately with individual children.
If you have any concerns or require any further advice please contact Mr Skett or Miss Stretton.